Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand

विद्याधनं सर्वधनं प्रधानम्

Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand

विद्याधनं सर्वधनं प्रधानम्

Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand (BSAJ)

Summer Research Internship 2023

Webinar on Sleep, Dreams, Memory and Productivity

Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand

About Us

Our vision is to develop scientific temperament among youth to prosper in the field of life sciences through our research wing “Prayogshala “ by fulfilling  the learning lacuna in research and higher education,  both regionally and nationally and bridging the employment gap alongside our social welfare branch “Kalpana” to help our poverty stricken brothers and sisters of the society!

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What is the Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand (BSAJ)?

Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand (BSAJ) is a platform where all the scientific niche of experts  are collected and their research skills are transmitted among the local/National underprivileged students who lack exposure to scientific methodology in the field of life sciences. This academy also has a social drive where the poorest of the poor and the ignored are taken care of by the means of food, blankets, clothes, awareness, primary education, and others.

Get Involved

BSAJ  works with universities, think tanks, research groups, governments, businesses and private individuals to enhance basic research in life sciences and deliver state-of-the- art and cutting edge modern expertise to the local students alongside  our social drive to help needy and poorest of the poor.  

Click below to learn more about the research,  courses, events, training, conferences and outreach we offer, support and promote.




Get trained by experts in the field gaining cutting edge research experience and learning state of -the- art techniques . Join our labs  specialized  in various fields of Life sciences like Oncology, Neurobiology, parasitology, Zoology, Environmental Sciences, Bioinformatics etc. Details can be found in the course/Internship section.


While training , if you gain insight and caliber, you can publish your own research /review paper in high impact, peer reviewed journals, helping you  to launch yourself in the scientific community. Thus,  boosting your research career to another level carving your way to a great scientific platform worldwide!


Certificates are provided at the end of dissertation/ Internship/others upon approval by the committee . In addition , recommendation letters are also provided whenever required by the candidates/interns.

Study at Your Own Pace

Boost Your Career by Learning Skills in High Demand

Advertisement 3/2023.

We look forward to receiving applications from enthusiastic students who are passionate about life sciences research.

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Get trained by experts in the field gaining cutting edge research experience and learning state of -the- art techniques . Join our labs  specialized  in various fields of Life sciences like Oncology, Neurobiology, parasitology, Zoology, Environmental Sciences, Bioinformatics etc. Details can be found in the course/Internship section.


While training , if you gain insight and caliber, you can publish your own research /review paper in high impact, peer reviewed journals, helping you  to launch yourself in the scientific community. Thus,  boosting your research career to another level carving your way to a great scientific platform worldwide!


Certificates are provided at the end of dissertation/ Internship/others upon approval by the committee. In addition, recommendation letters are also provided whenever required by the candidates/interns.

Team at Work

Features of Our Courses

What is the Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand (BSAJ)?

Brainology Scientific Academy of Jharkhand (BSAJ) is a platform where all the scientific niche of experts  are collected and their research skills are transmitted among the local/National underprivileged students who lack exposure to scientific methodology in the field of life sciences. This academy also has a social drive where the poorest of the poor and the ignored are taken care of by the means of food, blankets, clothes, awareness, primary education, and others.

Best Industry Leaders

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Learn Online at Your Own Pace

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Professional Certification

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Trusted by Thousand of Students and Tutors

2,394 Ratings
It's been a great experience and pleasure working under the supervision of such an excellent Research guide, Miss Dolly Krishnan and Kamdeo Kumar Pramanik sir. What I have learnt is priceless!! The lab not only teaches how to generate a perfect lab report but I have also got the experience of technical commands and lessons of communication skills. The dissertation wouldn't be possible without the efforts and dedication of supervisors, mentors and lab mates. Heartfelt thanks to all!!
Deepika Bhardwaj , Ex- Lab member, Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab
I was glad to be part of the Microplastic Research Team under the supervision of DK Mam. Here, I got the fundamental ideas of research working and the exposures to poster presentations, the seminars and conferences. Altogether, it was a new and wonderful scientific experience under the guidance of DK Mam.
Amrendra Kumar , Ex Lab member, Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab
sagar samrat
A vast limitation of research are compiled up and only a small proportion of that is applied in the science classroom. Only numerative research studies and plans address the challenges of implementing and studying the impact of combined instructional units on a wide scale like our ‘Microplastic Research laboratory’. My personal experience taught me about conspicuous evidence of research, which helped me to interact with the scientific community. Laboratory experience helped me to understand the complexity and ambiguity of empirical work, helped me to develop scientific temperament, helped to learn practical skills with balanced student life . I got golden opportunity under mentorship of my research guide Ms.Dolly Krishnan; to interact with all the honorable scientist/ delegates across India by taking part in 89 th Annual Session of NASI & symposium at NAARM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India as a poster presentation from 21 st - 23 rd December, 2019. Second, opportunity was to take part in the World Environment Summit 2020, organized by ESDA, Delhi at P.M Auditorium, V.P. Chest Institute University of Delhi, India; as an oral paper presentation from 18 th -19 th January 2020 and. Third, the opportunity was to take part in the International Symposium On Environmental Threats and mitigation Strategies organised by NGO -Arambh, on 08 th March, 2020, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India and I stood 3 rd in poster presentation for topic entitled ‘Efficient Biodegradation of Plastic waste using Plastic- eating Wax worms’ ; also with best anchoring and volunteering certificates. All these were achieved with support of my Laboratory Research members and with continuous exposure and tremendous guidance of my research guide Ms. Dolly Krishnan.
Sagar Samrat , Ex- Lab member, Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab
My heartfelt and sincere gratitude to my supervisor Ms. Dolly Krishnan for providing me with guidance and ideas to complete my dissertation. Irrespective of chaos due to covid and her health issues, she made us complete the task on time. You inspired me to learn " how to manage things digitally even if there was no scope of physical interaction and physical facilities' ' due to covid crisis . I learnt the importance of scientific temperament, professionalism and moral values throughout the process of Dissertation under you. I will be forever grateful to you for your valuable time .
Sashmita Subhashree Mandal, Ex- Dissertie Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab
Dolly maam provides one-on-one interaction with the students. She is focused and helps students by providing a great deal of mentorship. She is always available and helps students reach their goals in an effective way. She helps her students by bringing out the best in them and always motivates them to be better.
Shubham Shailesh, Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab
'' I am so lucky that I am your student. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to do something on my own and I must say it would not be possible without your help. Thank you ma'am. ''
Shubham Kuma, Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab
"Your approach towards tutoring and creating teaching-learning friendly ambiance, helped us a lot to grasp the concepts without losing concentration. We saw your superpowers everyday. Thanks for being a super teacher, shaping our growing mind."
Anjali Mishra, Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab
She is very much experienced in research field and her teaching style is awesome!!! Her deep knowledge and guidance helped me throughout the M.Sc. thank u ma'am
Madhu Kerketta, Ex Lab member, Neuroscience and Microplastic Lab

